Category: Electronic components
We develop electronic devices to improve the competition experience for radio control sports cars, especially with kyosho miniz.
New version of Giro-Z Lap counter is ready
Tomorrow 1 Sept we will start to sell our new version of Giro-Z Lap Counter.
Our aim in this new version is offer more realibility and more precision in our IR lap counter system.
This new version can be expanded with 6 readers, that means a bridge 22cm longer reaching 160cm.
The new USB box will be 100% compatible with old Giro-Z version and with Giro-Z transponders.
New Giro for dNaNo and Mini-Z MR03

We have created a new version of giro for Kyosho dNaNo and Kyosho Mini-z MR03.
This version made by TRPscale is fully compatible with the Kyosho version with a really big diference on price who made almost imposible that this items had ben popular.
As you know the function of Giro in a dNaNo or a Mini-Z is offer a great stability doing automatic rectifications or steering and thothle and make almost imposible loose grip on track.
This giro could be very usefull when the grip on track is low as well very usefull on competitions.
The components and performances and settings are 100% compatible with Kyosho products.
Giro-Z (Lapcounter for MiniZ)
We would like to make as straight forward as possible, the installation of the new GiroZ software for the USB interface. It is for this reason that we have created an explanatory video which we hope will resolve any problems you may have regarding the downloading and installation of the software.
We have post the video on youtube, inside our minizchannel
This video is only suported in Spanish language, sorry for the incoinvenience.