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Murasaki Yume – a ball bearing oil special for Mini-Z

Murasaki Yume - Ball bearing oil for mini-z
Murasaki Yume - Ball bearing oil for mini-z

Another trpscale product on market, this time is a special ball bearing oil.
This new product have the same can than Onisake, and is designed mixing in a good proportion a cleaner, a anti friction product and a very low density oil just to give to our micr ball bearings the maximum speed.

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New Giro for dNaNo and Mini-Z MR03

MiniZ and dNano Giro
MiniZ and dNano Giro

We have created a new version of giro for Kyosho dNaNo and Kyosho Mini-z MR03.
This version made by TRPscale is fully compatible with the Kyosho version with a really big diference on price who made almost imposible that this items had ben popular.
As you know the function of Giro in a dNaNo or a Mini-Z is offer a great stability doing automatic rectifications or steering and thothle and make almost imposible loose grip on track.
This giro could be very usefull when the grip on track is low as well very usefull on competitions.
The components and performances and settings are 100% compatible with Kyosho products.

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Mosler MT900 Almost ready

This image shows a spray prototipe how the 1st Mosler MT900 will be in a really close future.
As you can see in the picture we keep going with the idea of make races like “cup” or “challenges” series.
We hope that you will appreciate this 98mm W+3 and S+2 body car with arround 38gr of weigth.(pending confirmation in production)

Mini-z trpscale Molser MT900
Mini-Z TRPscale Mosler MT900